Map of Public Footpaths in The Winterbournes
The Winterbournes have a fantastic range of 20 public footpaths. To access the Footpath Map, click here.
Usually during the Autumn there is an organised Annual Parish Footpath Walk.
The 2018 Footpath Walk and Nature trail took place in Sept 2018.
The next one will be in Sept 2019.
Contact Maureen 01980 611311 or at [email protected]
Usually during the Autumn there is an organised Annual Parish Footpath Walk.
The 2018 Footpath Walk and Nature trail took place in Sept 2018.
The next one will be in Sept 2019.
Contact Maureen 01980 611311 or at [email protected]
Footpath Number |
1. Starts behind Glebe Hall, beyond the line of trees. Turn left at back of Old Vicarage, cross over Figsbury Road and continues parallel to main village road to Thorneydown Road, cross over into Salt Lane and continue behind houses in Gomeldon Road 3. Starts at top of The Bank, opposite Gater’s Lane, crosses field and ends at kissing gate junction with Footpath 1 4. Starts at Policeman’s Corner, opposite Thorneydown Road and finishes at bottom of hill on Gomeldon Road 5. Starts at stile at bottom of Gomeldon Hill and follows river, finishing at the back of "Riverside". The continuation to the main road at White Bridge is not safely passable 6. Starts half way up The Bank, opposite Gater’s Lane, runs along Paddock Close, through a track to Figsbury Road, along the edge of the Glebe Hall Car Park to the Primary School, across to Summerlug, then between the houses in Summerlug and the main road 7. Starts at end of pavement in Winterbourne Earls, over stile, diagonally across field of horses, over another stile and finishes in Hurdcott Lane, alongside Bourne Beeches 8. Starts at end of pavement in Winterbourne Earls, over stile and goes straight down field to Hurdcott House 9. Starts next to Tanner’s Yard in Winterbourne Earls, turns left, crosses over Footpath 10 and finishes in Hurdcott 10. Starts in Tanner’s Lane, opposite Parsonage Mead, continues across Footpath 22 and finishes in Hurdcott 12. Starts between Fairfield and Bishop's Croft in Winterbourne Earls, follows the River Bourne and finishes in Hurdcott 13. Starts at Sewage Works in Hurdcott and continues to The Portway 14. Starts opposite Hurdcott Lane on main road and continues to join up with Firsdown Footpath ending at London Road 18. Starts at end of Figsbury Road and finishes at Figsbury Rings 19. Starts next to Winterbourne Motor Co (formerly Marsh Motors) in Winterbourne Gunner, crosses bridge at bottom of field and continues to The Portway. There is now a Permissive Path running behind the hedge & parallel to The Portway which after a short distance, joins Footpath 20 heading towards Hurdcott. 20. Starts just past the Sewage Works in Hurdcott, runs along at the back of Hurdcott Lane, along track to Green Bridge, turns left up Great Drove, then right through kissing gate and continues across Gater’s Lane, alongside the River Bourne and diagonally across the field to join up with The Portway. There is now a Permissive Path following inside the hedge and exiting onto The Portway where there is a pavement. At this point, Footpath 20 meets with the end of Footpath 19. Our thanks to local resident Ian Berry for bringing this update to our notice. 21. Starts on the far side of the bridge at the bottom of Tanner’s Lane and continues straight up to The Portway. Do not attempt to climb over the stile on to The Portway, this is hazardous due to fast-moving traffic and absence of a pavement 22. Starts opposite Summerlug, continues down field, crosses River Bourne and continues to Green Bridge, turns right and finishes at bottom of Tanner’s Lane 23. Starts in Morgan’s Lane, opposite St. Michael’s Church and finishes at junction with Footpath 20 28. Runs alongside main road, opposite "Green Hedges" in Winterbourne Earls and finishes opposite Hurdcott Lane at junction with Footpath 14 29. Starts just before Sewage Works in Hurdcott, turns left and continues to the bridge in Ford |
Enjoy our Footpaths - Do you walk any of the footpaths on a regular basis? If so, would you be willing to report any problems (overgrowth, litter, dog fouling, obstructions etc) to the Parish Council? You can do so via the Parish Clerk - Melanie Thomas on 01980 863802 or [email protected]
We will be happy to receive your observations on any of the footpaths in the Parish
We will be happy to receive your observations on any of the footpaths in the Parish
Map of Winterbourne Public Footpaths